I. 부전공 신청

     학칙36(부전공), 학사운영 규정71(부전공)

      부전공은 제1전공 이외의 다른 전공을 21학점 이상 이수하는 제도로 졸업증서(국문)에 표기함

     - 부전공은 제2전공에 해당되지 않음. -


1. 신청자격 : 1전공을 배정받고, 3학기 이상 등록한 2014학년도 2학기 재학생


2. 지원학과의 범위 :

   1) 1전공과 동일(유사)학과는 신청할 수 없음.

   2) 세종캠퍼스에 개설되지 않은 학과(학부)의 부전공은 안암캠퍼스에서 이수 가능함.

   3) 안암캠퍼스와 세종캠퍼스에 동일(유사) 학과(학부)가 개설되어 있는 경우에는 소속된 캠 퍼스에서 부전공을 이수하여야 함.

   4) 사범대학을 신청하는 자는 제1전공이 사범대학인 자에 한함

       , 06, 07학번의 사범대학 학과 부전공 정원은 학과별 입학정원의 10%이며, 08학번부터는 부전공에 의한 교사자격

          취득제도 폐지(교과부)에 따라 사범대학 학과 부전공은 선발하지 않음.   

   5) 법과대학, 의과대학, 간호대학, 사이버국방학과, 약학대학은 부전공을 선발하지 않음.


접수일시 2014. 9. 1() 10:00 ~ 9. 22() 17:00까지

접수장소 소속대학() 학사지원부               


  1) 신청서  작성 

   2) 부전공 희망학과에서 이수과목지정표 작성

   3) 부전공 학과장 및 소속 학과장 확인 날인

   4) 소속대학 학사지원부에 신청서 제출

       부전공 희망 학과에 따라 성적증명서 제출을 요구할 수도 있음.

        - 신청서 및 이수과목지정표는 아래 첨부파일을 다운로드 받아 사용 -



 II. 조기졸업 신청

학칙4절 제41(졸업요건), 42(학위수여), 학사운영 규정5절 제56(졸업의 기본요건), 57(졸업요구학점), 58(조기졸업: 일반), 59(조기졸업: 특별)


조기졸업: 일반 

1. 신청자격 17(18)학점 이상(, 외국대학 교환학기는 인정학점이 15학점 이상) 수강하고 F에 해당하는 등급이 없는 자로서 5학기 내지 6학기말까지 108학점(졸업요구학점 135인 학과() :112학점, 140인 학과() : 117학점) (계절학기 수업 취득학점 포함) 이상을 취득하고 총성적 평점평균이 4.00이상인 자이어야 한다, 성적은 재수강 및 취득학점 포기과목을 포함한전체 취득성적을 기준으로 한다.


2. 신청 제한조건 :

1) 성적경고를 받은 학기가 없는 자

2) 편입학 자 제외

3) 매학기 17(18)학점 이상 이수

4) F에 해당하는 등급이 없는 자

5) 공과대학 건축학과, 의과대학, 사이버국방학과, 약학대학 소속학생은 대상에서 제외


3. 조기 졸업기준 :

1) 조기졸업 신청자는 대학()별 졸업요구조건을 반드시 충족하여야 조기졸업을 할 수 있음.

 2) 전체학년 F등급이 없이 통산 평점평균이 4.00이상 일 것.


조기졸업: 특별 

1. 신청자격 일반대학원 학·석사 연계과정 합격생


2. 조기 졸업기준 :

1) 조기졸업 신청자는 대학()별 졸업요구조건을 반드시 충족하여야 조기졸업을 할 수 있음

2) 전체 성적평점평균이 3.50 이상일 것

3) 등록학기가 7학기 이상일 것


접수일시 :2014. 9. 1() 10:00 ~ 9. 22() 17:00까지 

접수장소 소속대학() 학사지원부  


1. 조기졸업(일반) : 조기졸업신청서(소정양식) 1

2. 조기졸업(특별) : 조기졸업신청서(소정양식) 1 , 석사과정 진입 추천서 사본 1 .

     - 조기졸업신청서는 아래 첨부파일을 다운로드 받아 사용 - 



2014.  8.  7 

교무처 학적·수업지원팀 





2014 Guidelines on Applying for a Minor/ Early Graduation in the Fall Semester


I. Applying for a Minor


A minor is acquired by completing more than 21 credits in majors other than the first major, and the minor will be marked on the diploma of graduation (Korean version).

- A minor does not fall under the scope of a second major. -


1. Eligibility : Students who (1) have designated their first major, and (2) have registered for more than three semesters, and (3) are enrolled in the fall semester of 2014


2. The Range of Applicable Department :

   1) Students cannot apply for a department that is the same as or similar to their first major.

   2) A minor of a department that is not established on the Sejong Campus can be completed at the Anam


   3) In the case where the same or similar departments are established on the Anam and Sejong

       Campuses, the minor will be completed at the Campus of the applicant.

   4) Only students whose first major lies within the College of Education can apply for a minor in the


       Note: In the case of students who entered College of Education in either 2006 or 2007, the quota

                   for a minor in the College is 10% of the entrance quota for each department. From 2008,

                   students are not recruited for a minor in College of Education due to the abolition of the 

                   system granting teaching certification through a minor (by the Ministry of Education).

   5) Medical, Nursing, Pharmaceutical Science, Law and Cyber Defense departments do not offer a



Registration Date : Sept. 1 (Mon.) 10 a.m. Sept. 22 (Mon.) 5:00 p.m.

Venue of Registration : Academic Affairs Department of the College of the Applicant

Registration Process :

   1) Complete the application form. (prescribed form)

   2) Complete a designated course list in the preferred department for a minor.

   3) Acquire the signature and seal from the dean of the department for the minor and dean of the College

      of the applicant.

   4) Submit an application at the Office of Academic Affairs of the College of the applicant

       Depending on the preferred department for a minor, applicants can be requested to submit a



 - The application and designated course list form can be downloaded from the attached file below -




II. Application for Early Graduation


Early Graduation : General

1. Eligibility : Students who meet the following requirements are eligible for early graduation :

1) have registered for 17 (18) credits or more every semester (however, at least 15 credits are required for

    acknowledgement ofuniversity exchange credits) without a grade ‘F’

2) have completed 108 credits or more (at least 112 credits for a department (or division) requiring 135

    graduation creditsat least 112 credits for a department (or division) requiring 140 graduation credits),

    including credits earned in summer/winter courses, by the end of their 5th or 6th semester of study and

3) have a total grade point average of 4.0 or higher however, the total grade includes re-registered

    courses and credit-waived courses.



2. Conditions :

The applicant :

1) Has not received an academic warning

2) Is not a transfer student

3) Has completed 17(18) credits or more every semester

4) Has never received a grade ‘F’

5) Is not affiliated with the Department of Architecture of the College of Engineering, College of Medicine,

    Department of Cyber Defense or College of Pharmacy


3. Early Graduation Criteria : Early graduation applicants shall meet the following requirements :

1) Satisfy the graduation requirements set by their affiliated college (division) to apply; and

2) Achieve a total grade point average of 4.0 or higher.


Early Graduation: Special

1. Eligibility : Students admitted to the Advanced Placement Program (APT) of Graduate Schools

2. Early Graduation Criteria : Early graduation applicants shall meet the following requirements :

1) Satisfied the graduation requirements set by their affiliated college (division)

2) Achieved a total grade point average of 3.50 or higher

3) Registered for at least seven semesters


Application Period for Fall 2014 semester 

 Sept. 1 (Mon.) 10 a.m.Sept. 22 (Mon.) 5:00 p.m.

Application Venue 

 Academic Affairs Department of the affiliated college (division)

Required Documents

1. General : Early Graduation Application (Prescribed form)

2. Special : Early Graduation Application (Prescribed form) and a copy of Advanced Placement Program

                Recommendation, respectively


-  Download the attached file below for the application form -